Uniform for Pack 366
What the pack supplies from the dues you paid:
- Neckerchief
- All Patches
- Handbook
- Webelos Colors (for Webelos Scouts)
What you need to buy:
- Cub Scout™ Short-Sleeve Shirt (This is the blue shirt) (Webelos and AOL – 4th and 5th graders can optionally move up to Tan which can be carried over to Scouts BSA)
- Cub Scout™ Web Belt
Where to buy stuff:
- There is a scout store downtown at Flag Plaza if this is convenient for you.
- There are also online stores. One is http://www.scoutshop.org/
- You do not need to rush to buy stuff. If you don’t have it for the first couple meetings, that is fine.
Searching scoutshop.org
- UNIFORMS & INSIGNIA > Youth > Shirts
- UNIFORMS & INSIGNIA > Belts and buckles > Belts
Anything else you might want like pants and hats are optional. The Shirt and belt should be worn to Pack and Den meetings. Jeans or shorts with beltloops are suggested. Basketball shorts are discouraged.