What Do Cub Scouts Do?

Den Meetings - Your child will participate in age-appropriate activities with children of the same grade level in a Den (each grade level has a name like Tiger, Wolf, Bear, etc.). Each Den (the children of the same age as your son) will meet 1-3 times a month, depending on activities. There is a handbook that the Den will work through over the course of the year with topics such as first aid, citizenship, games, outdoor activities and more. Dens decide on meeting times and locations. Dens may take field trips to local places of interest. (Lions or Kindergarten do not meet as often as older cub scouts.)

Pack Meetings - All of the Dens together make up the Pack (366), and meet together once per month. This is usually on a Monday at 7pm at Westminster. Pack meetings may include information, activities, and awards. (Lions or Kindergarten can but do not have to attend all pack meetings.  They should attend some.)

The whole pack participates in activities. Most are just our pack. Some include other packs from the district or council. Examples of activities we typically do are listed below:

Pool Party – Our pack typically has a pool party to kick off the year and get to know new recruits. Timing for this event is the late summer.

Popcorn Sales – Cubs have the opportunity to sell popcorn to help pay their own way and raise money for the pack. Timing for this program is the early fall.

Fall Cub Fun Day – This is a district event, usually held at a place like South Park for a small fee on a weekend day. Packs rotate through various activity stations. Some highlights are Archery, BB guns and Slingshots with certified instructors.

Fall Pack Family Camp Out – Each Scouts family is invited for a one night camp out. This has often been held at the family farm of a friend of the pack or at a local Scouts BSA camp. For Cub Scout camping access to “real bathrooms” and the option to sleep in a building is required. Possible activities include hiking, model rockets, camp skills like fire building and cooking, as well as some time to hang out, play some Frisbee and roast some marshmallows. This is as easy as it gets to experience camping. The Pack will help you borrow any equipment you need and plan all the meals and activities.

Pinewood Derby – Cubs build their own cars starting from a kit with a block of wood and race them on a high tech track.  Awards are given for speed and creativity. Timing for this event is usually a Saturday morning in the late winter.

Blue and Gold Banquet – Cubs celebrate the birthday of Scouting with a celebration. There are skits or entertainment of some kind and the oldest den “crosses over” to Scouts BSA. Timing for this event is in early spring.

Scouting for Food – Cubs gather food from their neighborhoods for a local food bank or hold an online fundraising drive. This usually involves door hangers and picking up on a Saturday or online fundraising. Timing for this event is in the spring.

Playground Clean Up – Cubs assist the Church that charters our pack with a spring clean up of the playground.

Spring Pack Family Camp Out – The Spring Camp Out has a similar format as the Fall Camp Out, with different activities.  In the past, the Pack camped at Heritage Reservation in the Laurel Highlands and at South Park.

Recruiting Camp Fire – Our pack invites friends to roast s’mores and play games to consider joining.  Timing for this event is late spring.

Community Day Parade – Our pack marches in the parade and has a booth.

Summer Day Camp – This is a district event with an additional fee. It has similar activities and format as Cub Fun Day but you have a lot more time. It might be 3 five-hour days at a local park. One recent camp included the typical highlights like archery and BB guns as well as cooking in home-made Dutch ovens, an obstacle course, a police station tour, a PA Fish and Game presentation, a University of Pittsburgh Science 18-wheeler laboratory and a magic show.

Summer Resident Camp or Weekend trips to Heritage Reservation – Cub programs are available for an additional fee at Heritage Reservation in the nearby Laurel Highlands. These are designed for the cub and a parent to go together. Typically several families from the pack organize a group.

TroopTrackHQ, LLC 51 E 3900 N Vineyard, UT 84059 support@trooptrack.com
TroopTrack TroopTrack is not affiliated with or endorsed by Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Baden Powell Service Association, Trail Life U.S.A., or Scouts Australia. Any usage of BSA, GSUSA, TLUSA, or SA terminology on this site is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of this product by any of these organizations. © 2008 - 2025 TroopTrackHQ, LLC. All rights reserved